Dezerter Bazaar

My favorite place to go shopping for food is Dezerter Bazaar, but as a new arrival to Tbilisi, it can be a bit daunting. It is SO big and you will seemingly find the same things for sale over and over and over again. However, there is a method to the madness.

First, don’t go to the market with a list, expecting to find the things you want today. The market is truly seasonal and you cannot and will not find produce flown in from other parts of the world. However, what you do find is perfectly fresh and often unique to Georgia!

Really fresh sunflower seeds!
Dried marigold flowers are a national spice here!
Cornelian cherries (actually the fruit of the dogwood)
კაცვი (sea buckthorn)! This is new for me, but I love the little citrusy berries.

Instead, look at what’s available and choose the best you can. Then, decide what to make with it. This morning I found some beautiful summer squash (not quite the same as the zucchini we know in the US) in a single stall. Greenhouse-grown, but still fabulous, these “zucchini” were more expensive than Georgians would pay (7 lari/kg) but still rather inexpensive for a resident expat.

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Living in Tbilisi