Resources for learning Georgian

Printed material:

There are many more books available on Amazon now, but I do not own them. Some look more useful than others…


  • Georgian Verbs Comprehensive
    This is a very useful verb list with partial conjugations. You will need to understand Georgian verb tenses and their construction to use this for more than the simple present and simple past tenses.
  • Georgian: A Learner’s Grammar
    There is no other comprehensive grammer available, but the style is 50’s pompous and difficult to read and understand. It is also full of stylistic crap.
  • English–Georgian Dictionary (Sisauri)
    Simple one entry per line, linear flow PDF

Online Resources:

  • Big Georgian-English Dictionary ( National Parliamentary Library of Georgia)
    This free dictionary contains about 26,000 entries in Georgian. You can do reverse (English) lookups by using “full text search” but you will have to graze the results to find what you are looking for.
  • (English–Georgian dictionary)
    Paid subscription is 25 GEL annually (about USD $10). This dictionary is pubished and supported by Tbilisi State University and is well worth the meager price.
  • (English–Georgian–English dictionary)
    Comprehensive and free, but there are MANY errors and clearly incorrect entries.
  • (Military dictionary)
    Included with a subscription
  • (Biology dictionary)
    Included with a subscription

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